Monday, November 16, 2009

In my english class we have talked a lot about how one creates an identity or self. We have yet to talk about the identity of groups. My ideas about the formation of group identities are as follows

- The groups similarities (i.e. a bunch of pregnant women get together - they talk about family, being pregnant, and life but they are known as the pregnant women)

- Common Task - mulitple people doing the same thing (i.e. requirements med school)

- Common Goal - a group of people working for a common goal (i.e. getting a president in office)

Just looking at those three I guess it all could fit into the similarities group. Having anything in common can become the identity of the group. However, just as you get to know someone and you find you have more in common or there is more you want to do the group identity can change.

I also wonder if there is a social group self. Does the way other groups interact with one group effect they way the group sees themself?

These are just ideas as I am brainstorming how to form an identity for one of my groups on campus. Let me know if you have any insights or thoughts.

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