Tuesday, December 8, 2009

So, I thought today would be an apt time to write about how age changes identity. I turned 21 today and that seems like a big deal.

Legally I can buy alcohol, rent cars (with a fee), and rent a hotel room (you may be able to do that when are 18). Personally I don't feel that different. I am still 5'2, curly haired, and still getting the same grades in school (unfortunately). I have found that the biggest change is how people treat or view me. Which, according to Goffman could change my identity. People now ask me if I want a drink or that I need to have my life planned out by now.

Also, my friends have been telling me. You are so old! And when I actually think about my age I feel old. Yet, I feel no older than yesterday when I was 20. I do feel like I have more of a responsibility now.

I am no longer a child in any sense. In nine years I will be 30. By the time I am thirty I want to be married, start having kids, a job! Nine years. I better get started.

1 comment:

  1. Don't get started on all those things! Kids at 22 is a bit much. I have the same feelings though. A few weeks ago I turned 20 (not as big of a deal), and now I'm counting the days till I'm 21, but other than that I feel exactly the same.

    But a word from (not the wise) but the younger... don't timeline your life so strictly. I too want to be married, have a good job, and have kids sometime, but putting markers on when you want to have those big life steps done by just adds more room for stress. A lot of people these days don't get married till late twenties early thirties and have children a year or even many years after that. That's what my parents did, I wasn't born till my mom was 34.

    I think more important than changing 20 to 21 on your birthday is just reflecting on all the experiences that have made up your now 21 years of life. I mean, age is a very temporary part of your identity.. it changes everyday
