Thursday, December 3, 2009

English 225

I know I have brought up this topic before but it has continued to intrigue me. We have talked a lot about identity and creation of the self but not about the creation of group identity.

Coming into this semester I dreaded this English 225 class. I am not a fan of writing, I was never good at writing, and I didn't see the importance in taking another writing class. My view of this class quickly changed. Our class became a space where we could all share our ideas (complete or incomplete) to the entire class or in our small groups. I still am not a fan of writing, however, I am a fan of this class.

How did Brett create a sense of security and friendliness that other teachers haven't been able to do in their classes?
- Small groups
- our answers were always right, even if she had to change the question to make them right
- she shared her life with us
- class size was small
- It seemed Brett was putting as much time into the class as we were putting in

Another big part of it was the unique group of people we had. I enjoyed going to this class most days because of the community it brought. I wish I knew how to make a community out of the other classes or organizations I'm in. And to be honest I don't want to read more old people's view on the identity of a group.

Anyways. I have been really appreciative of Brett's support this semester and I thought it would be cool if we could all support her. Would anyone be interested in having her contact us if she does a presentation at U of M? If you would let me know.

P.S. Everyone's presentations have been very good. I am very impressed.

1 comment:

  1. Heather,
    I completely agree with your blog. I have never been a fan of English, that is why I have chosen to take classes in the science field. I never understood the reason of why I had to take another English class, but Brett has been clear in connecting what we learn in English to each person's career choices.

    I agree that I may not love English I do love the class. I think the environment that Brett has created has been one of open communication and a place to be yourself, which you can hardly find in classes. I greatly apprecitate Brett's effort to meet with us whenever is convenient and how hard working she is. She definitely puts a lot of work into our class and I greatly appreciate it.

    I think our class, while we are all from different majors, we are able to mix so well and I love it. I will definitely miss everyone when the term is over.
