Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Identity as a student

Brett was right. This is the time of year when I always question why I am a student. I have so much going on. I am away from my apartment for at least 12 hours a day and I still need to do my homework. It seems that life would be so much easier if I just got a full time job. My sister just graduated from college and she is living at home not paying for rent having no responsibility after she gets off of work and she is happy. College is supposed to be the best time of my life. Why am I not happy?

As much as I complain and get frustrated with my work I don't want to lose my identity as a student. I have been a student for the last 15 years. I wouldn't be anyone if I wasn't a student. I probably wouldn't even have a social self anymore because I wouldn't have a social life. No one to interact with because I would be leaving all my friends and I don't know how to make new friends.

Luckily having a saturated self is no good because I wouldn't have anything to fill my time. I may complain about having too much to do but I like having things to do. It makes me feel important or needed.

I just need to start looking into the positive qualities of being a student. I go to one of the best universities in the country. Our football team is 4-1 and it's finally exciting to watch their games. I get to interact with hundreds of intelligent students everyday who make me smarter just by osmosis. I also have thousands of opportunities and resources available to me at the tips of my fingers.

Yes, I do contemplate why I am here, why I am a student. But I am so lucky to be here to be a student because I would be nothing if not for a student. I better get used to it as well because going into the medical profession your saturated self will become supersaturated and your social self, will probably disappear. However, I will have a great professional self (if that is such a thing).

Well, it's time to suck it up and study for my physics exam and write my inquiry paper.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way sometimes. Being a student can be very overwhelming! My identity as a student here really does define most of my self, though. I can't even imagine not being a student!
