Thursday, December 10, 2009

Another Class, Another Semester

I just wanted to take what I think is my last blog to reflect upon the semester.

What did you/I learn?
  • That using too many be, been, was, etc. is bad.
  • That goes for them and they
  • English/writing doesn't have to be awful
  • I never want to write in inquiry paper again, but I know I am going to have to so, I'm glad I got my first one over with
  • Redos are helpful in the learning process-doesn't have to be a bad thing
  • Difference between inquiry, convincing, and persuasive papers
What had you/I wished I learned?
  • Different formatting times (ie APA, Chicago style, etc)
  • how to write effective blogs (I still don't get how blog writers can get people to read theirs)
How did you/I improve?
  • I am able to write in a way that makes more sense to people other than myself
  • More confidence in my writing
  • How to critique papers effectively
Overall I think this was a very productive semester for me. I want to thank all of you for helping me overcome my fear or writing/showing other people what I've written by being very open and honest but not mean. I hope you all got a lot out of this class as well.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

So, I thought today would be an apt time to write about how age changes identity. I turned 21 today and that seems like a big deal.

Legally I can buy alcohol, rent cars (with a fee), and rent a hotel room (you may be able to do that when are 18). Personally I don't feel that different. I am still 5'2, curly haired, and still getting the same grades in school (unfortunately). I have found that the biggest change is how people treat or view me. Which, according to Goffman could change my identity. People now ask me if I want a drink or that I need to have my life planned out by now.

Also, my friends have been telling me. You are so old! And when I actually think about my age I feel old. Yet, I feel no older than yesterday when I was 20. I do feel like I have more of a responsibility now.

I am no longer a child in any sense. In nine years I will be 30. By the time I am thirty I want to be married, start having kids, a job! Nine years. I better get started.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

English 225

I know I have brought up this topic before but it has continued to intrigue me. We have talked a lot about identity and creation of the self but not about the creation of group identity.

Coming into this semester I dreaded this English 225 class. I am not a fan of writing, I was never good at writing, and I didn't see the importance in taking another writing class. My view of this class quickly changed. Our class became a space where we could all share our ideas (complete or incomplete) to the entire class or in our small groups. I still am not a fan of writing, however, I am a fan of this class.

How did Brett create a sense of security and friendliness that other teachers haven't been able to do in their classes?
- Small groups
- our answers were always right, even if she had to change the question to make them right
- she shared her life with us
- class size was small
- It seemed Brett was putting as much time into the class as we were putting in

Another big part of it was the unique group of people we had. I enjoyed going to this class most days because of the community it brought. I wish I knew how to make a community out of the other classes or organizations I'm in. And to be honest I don't want to read more old people's view on the identity of a group.

Anyways. I have been really appreciative of Brett's support this semester and I thought it would be cool if we could all support her. Would anyone be interested in having her contact us if she does a presentation at U of M? If you would let me know.

P.S. Everyone's presentations have been very good. I am very impressed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer is Singing Loud for All to Hear!

So, Christmas is almost here and usually my Mom buys me an advent calendar or wraps little presents for me to open the 24 days until Christmas. This year she is doing a cyber advent calender that isn't a countdown until Christmas but more a method of preparing us for Christmas.

I love Christmas. I get to be with my family, no school, my birthday is a few weeks before Christmas (in 5 days! I am so old), I get things without having to pay for them, we sing my favorite hymns in church, and I get to eat as many Christmas cookies as I want.

I know not everyone is Christian and celebrates Christmas but we can all prepare ourselves by realizing the holidays are more than good food and presents but giving to those who have nothing.

If you wish to watch my Mom's first three days of cyber advent calendar here they are.

December 1st

December 2nd

December 3rd

Monday, November 23, 2009

Pardon or not to Pardon... A turkey

Apparently every year the President of the United States pardons a turkey. Meaning, he publicly announces he is not going to eat a turkey. Not only does he pardon one turkey but he also pardons an alternative just in case. That may seem odd but it is rather likely that the first person would rather die because we breed turkeys to be so fat that their organs cannot support their huge size. The typical turkey bred to be eaten only lives for about 18 weeks.

What is the meaning of pardoning a turkey? Does this mean that the first family eats no meat on Thanksgiving or do they just eat chicken and feel like that's better than eating a turkey?

The article can be found here National Turkey Dies, but the Alternate Lives

Another interesting turkey pardoning story is about Sarah Palin. Brett showed this to us in class.

While she is talking about pardoning a turkey the other poor turkeys who weren't pardoned are being killed behind her.

I hope this doesn't ruin eating turkey for you.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


After working on the same topic all semester, it is hard for me to finally end it in a persuasion presentation and paper. This is bad of me to say but I don't care about my topic as much as I used to and I don't expect others to either. I don't even know what point I want to get across. I also feel like my topic, the treatment of Alzheimer's in home care compared to residential care facilities, is only interesting to those who have had personal dealings with Alzheimer's or for those who wish to work with Alzheimer's in their career.

My ideas of what to give my presentation on are as follows

- Argue that home care is better than residential care facilities - Audience = general public

- Aruge that residential care facilities are better than home care - Audience = general public

- Rehab should be an integral part of Alzheimer's treatment - Audience=Drs.

Let me know what you would be most interested in hearing of if you have any other ideas.

Monday, November 16, 2009

In my english class we have talked a lot about how one creates an identity or self. We have yet to talk about the identity of groups. My ideas about the formation of group identities are as follows

- The groups similarities (i.e. a bunch of pregnant women get together - they talk about family, being pregnant, and life but they are known as the pregnant women)

- Common Task - mulitple people doing the same thing (i.e. requirements med school)

- Common Goal - a group of people working for a common goal (i.e. getting a president in office)

Just looking at those three I guess it all could fit into the similarities group. Having anything in common can become the identity of the group. However, just as you get to know someone and you find you have more in common or there is more you want to do the group identity can change.

I also wonder if there is a social group self. Does the way other groups interact with one group effect they way the group sees themself?

These are just ideas as I am brainstorming how to form an identity for one of my groups on campus. Let me know if you have any insights or thoughts.